PCL Surgeon in Jaipur

Knee injuries can be particularly distressing, and a PCL (Posterior Cruciate Ligament) injury is no exception. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PCL injuries, discussing their symptoms, treatment options, and the rehabilitation process. Furthermore, we’ll introduce you to Dr. Jitesh Jain, the leading knee ligament surgeon in Jaipur, who can guide you toward a full recovery.

Understanding PCL Injuries:

The Posterior Cruciate Ligament is a vital structure in the knee joint. It is the strongest ligament of the knee joint and provides stability to the joint.The PCL is usually injured when someone lands on a hyperextended knee or when one gets injured from a direct blow on the front of the bent knee. It is also common in car accidents (dashboard injuries)  where a direct hit forces the knee backward very quickly. So PCL injuries can occur due to sports-related incidents, accidents, or sudden twisting motions.

Signs and symptoms: Symptoms of a PCL injury may include pain, swelling, and instability in the knee. Immediately after injury, the knee gets pain and swelling. It might be difficult to walk on to the injured knee joint. With time pain and swelling go down but instability persists. One may have difficulty in squatting and climbing stairs after PCL injury.

We grade PCL tear according to severity of laxity of the knee joint from grade 1 to grade 3. Grade three is the complete tear and requires surgical reconstruction. 

Treatment Options:

Dr. Jitesh Jain specializes in the treatment of PCL injuries. Treatment options may range from conservative approaches like physical therapy and bracing to surgical intervention for severe cases. Dr. Jitesh will assess your condition thoroughly and recommend the most suitable course of action.

Most grade one and few grade 2 tears (on clinical examination) can be managed with PCL brace and exercises. In grade 3 PCL tears surgery (PCL reconstruction) is recommended for best results and to prevent instability and arthritic changes. In the PCL tear success rate depends on how strong is the reconstructed ligament apart from precise surgical technique. 

Dr Jitesh uses ultra strong thick graft which, with precise tunnel position gives high success rate. In high demanding patients he recommends use of thick graft with fiber tape.

Recovery and Rehabilitation:

Rehabilitation is a critical phase of recovery for PCL injuries. Dr. Jitesh Jain is dedicated to ensuring that you receive comprehensive post-treatment care, which may involve exercises, strengthening routines, and mobility exercises to help you regain optimal knee function.

For best results after PCL surgery we have formulated a special exercise rehabilitation program.

Why Choose Dr. Jitesh Jain:

As an orthopedic surgeon with an MS in Orthopedics and specialized training in sports medicine, Dr. Jitesh Jain is your best choice for PCL injuries in Jaipur. His commitment to patient well-being and tailored treatment plans sets him apart.

Contact Information:

To seek consultation and expert guidance for your PCL injury, contact Dr. Jitesh Jain at 91-7357406805 or visit his website here.

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dr. jitesh jain's introduction


मेरा दाए पैर में  चोट लगने के कारण टेढ़ा हो गया था जिसकी वजह से मुझे चलने में भी परेशानी हो रही थी. डॉ जितेश ने ऑपरेशन कर के इसे सीधा किया. में बिलकुल ठीक हूँ .

Bharat Lal

मेरी बेटी के घुटने में इन्फेक्शन होने के कारण वो दर्द की वजह से सो भी नहीं पाती थी. डॉ जितेश ने ऑपरेशन कर के इसे ठीक किया. बहुत धन्यवाद।

Ramji Lal

I remember that Dr. Jain came out from his clinic to see my mother because my mother was not able walk a single step. He did total knee replacement on both side and now my mother is walking without aid.

Mr. Manoj


Monday – Friday 17:00 – 20:00
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ACL Reconstruction is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the ligament in the center of your knee in order to restore its function after an injury.

Arthroscopic surgeries are key hole surgeries for joint disorders. They offer less hospital stay and speedy recovery.

A painful injury where the upper arm bone dislocates out of its normal position with significant damage to the surrounding soft tissues.

A common sports injury which usually happens over time from normal wear and tear of muscles and tendons.

A surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged, worn or diseased knee with an artificial joint to restore knee’s movement.

We offer latest arthroscopic and minimally invasive single and double row rotator cuff repair in cases of rotator cuff tear.

Make An Appointment

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Jitesh to get right diagnosis and cure for your ailment. Someone from our team will get in touch with you.