Knee Plica Syndrome – An Important Cause of Front Knee Pain

Many patients especially of young age group complain of pain in the front of knee that worsens in stairs, during squat and while getting up from a chair. Often they present with a long history of pain as diagnosis is often missed and effective treatment is not started.

What is knee plica?

A plica is a shelf like membrane or band of thick, fibrotic tissue in the knee joint. When we do knee arthroscopy a normal plica is seen as thin, pink and flexible membrane. Sometimes as a result of overuse (running/riding/ exercising more than usual) or injury, plica can become inflamed due to friction across the patella or the medial femoral condyle. This inflamed plica becomes thickened and it bowstrings over the medial femoral condyle causing pain and swelling in the knee joint.

MRI showing thickened medial plica

MRI showing thickened medial plica

Types of plicae in the knee joint:

In the knee, 4 types of plicae can be distinguished, depending on the anatomical location within the knee joint cavities: suprapatellar, medial(inner), infrapatellar and lateral (outer) plicae. The last one is rarely seen and, therefore, there is some controversy regarding its existence or its exact nature.

The medial plica is found between the infrapatellar fat pad and the medial aspect of the knee joint. Medial plicae are the most common type of plicae and are the most common to be symptomatic. This is why pain on the inner side of front of the knee is most common symptom.

Signs and Symptoms and Diagnosis of Plica Syndrome:

Front knee pain is the hallmark of the plica syndrome. A thickened and inflamed plica by rubbing over femoral condyle and patella may give rise to locking, giving way or catching sensation. Pain may be worse during night or walking up or down stairs. It often hurts most squat, bend, or get up after you sit for a long time.

Studies suggest that if not treated, the friction between a medial plica and the medial femoral condyle may lead to cartilage damage. So one should not ignore the front knee pain as early treatment can prevent disabling cartilage damage.

Diagnosis: On clinical suspicion MRI can be done to confirm the diagnosis.

MRI showing thickened medial plica

MRI showing thickened medial plica

Treatment of Plica Syndrome

This problem can be easily treated by arthroscopic excision of the plica. From next day of the surgery you can walk again without pain caused by plica.


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मेरा दाए पैर में  चोट लगने के कारण टेढ़ा हो गया था जिसकी वजह से मुझे चलने में भी परेशानी हो रही थी. डॉ जितेश ने ऑपरेशन कर के इसे सीधा किया. में बिलकुल ठीक हूँ .

Bharat Lal

मेरी बेटी के घुटने में इन्फेक्शन होने के कारण वो दर्द की वजह से सो भी नहीं पाती थी. डॉ जितेश ने ऑपरेशन कर के इसे ठीक किया. बहुत धन्यवाद।

Ramji Lal

I remember that Dr. Jain came out from his clinic to see my mother because my mother was not able walk a single step. He did total knee replacement on both side and now my mother is walking without aid.

Mr. Manoj


Monday – Friday 17:00 – 20:00
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ACL Reconstruction is a surgical procedure to reconstruct the ligament in the center of your knee in order to restore its function after an injury.

Arthroscopic surgeries are key hole surgeries for joint disorders. They offer less hospital stay and speedy recovery.

A painful injury where the upper arm bone dislocates out of its normal position with significant damage to the surrounding soft tissues.

A common sports injury which usually happens over time from normal wear and tear of muscles and tendons.

A surgical procedure that involves replacing a damaged, worn or diseased knee with an artificial joint to restore knee’s movement.

We offer latest arthroscopic and minimally invasive single and double row rotator cuff repair in cases of rotator cuff tear.

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